Bringing people together for a good cause.

Trees saved
Years of service
Square km of area

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We are making this world a better place starting with our hometown, Zlin.

We are a non-profit organization that was founded in 1997. We try to do things that benefit the residents of Zlín and the Zlín Region. We take care of nature in the Zlín Region, educate primary and secondary school students, and try to benefit the place in which we live.

Our Projects

Care for greenery

We conduct different activities such as tree plantation, mowing, pruning, and maintenance to preserve greenery.

Know and Protect!

We conduct awareness programs and educational competitions for the children.

Sanitation programs

We understand the importance of a clean and disease-free environment.

Apple Event

This is one of our regular events where we gather around as a community, harvest apples from our orchard, and turn them into pickles and juice that everyone can enjoy, especially the children.

Apple Event

This is one of our regular events where we gather around as a community, harvest apples from our orchard, and turn them into pickles and juice that everyone can enjoy, especially the children.

Apple Event

This is one of our regular events where we gather around as a community, harvest apples from our orchard, and turn them into pickles and juice that everyone can enjoy, especially the children.

Apple Event

This is one of our regular events where we gather around as a community, harvest apples from our orchard, and turn them into pickles and juice that everyone can enjoy, especially the children.